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You are stronger than you think.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to babysit an eight weeks old baby. He is so tiny and fragile. And truly, I was afraid I was going to break him, or worse cause him to choke if I didn't lay him down properly. Every minute, I had to ask google a question. How to lay him down properly, how to stop his hiccups, the right amount to feed him. It was the most hectic 5hrs of my life. As I kept on reading, one article ended with, "Babies are stronger than they look." At that point, I turned to look at the baby, I had laid him down on his tummy, as I kept looking at him, I saw him try to push himself up, he started with his legs and kept on kicking. It's nothing extraordinary I know, but I was intrigued by his persistence. He didn't cry, he kept on kicking, until I finally picked him up. What I'm I driving at? Most of us today are like babies. People look at you and call you weak, just because you do not match their self set standards. It could be at work, in school,even at church or the mosque.Most often people try to hide their pain and insecurities from all, we put on a facade of bravado, "all is fine", we say with a smile but deep down, our struggles are alive and hissing like an angry python.
Why do we so eagerly and painstakingly pretend to be fine. The world today, gives no room for weakness. Tell a friend you problem and you will see it on social media. People are ready to prey on your pain and weakness. Be it pastors, "so-called friends" "gold-diggers" and what have you. Hence, it's easier to plaster a smile on your face and pretend all is well.
A word of advice darling, you are killing yourself slowing for people who do not deserve it. The more you keep it down, the more you brood over it, the deeper it bores, deep into your soul. A time will come where you become an empty shell. Unwilling to love, to trust, to believe in humanity, to live.
Who says it's wrong to cry?  Who says you can't be hurt? Who says your tears means you are weak. It's okay to feel heartbroken, it's okay to feel worthless sometimes, it's okay to break down and let out a silent scream, it's okay to cry until you can't anymore.You ability to feel these emotions is what makes you human. It's okay not to be okay. The first step to a better you, is accepting you are not perfect and you don't have to be. The first step of healing is accepting you are broken. Accept that he cheated on you, accept that she betrayed your trust, accept that she died and it's killing you inside. Accept the pain, cry if you must, scream if you must, its okay.
However always keep in mind, that no matter how dark the night, the morning will always rise. Don't allow yourself sink so low, that you begin to loose your self worth. Cry it out and make a conscious effort to move on. No matter how much it hurts, it won't forever. You will be fine. You are stronger than you think.


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